About Me

This is what I do.

Software Engineer


I am a passionate software developer with a Computer Science degree from Universidad Central del Ecuador. I have been working for local and US companies from start-ups to large ones.

I have worked with distributed teams in an agile environment, that allowed me to improve my communication skills. I also enjoy and encourage the team to follow best practices, practice TDD, use SOLID principles, do pairing among the team, enjoy code reviews and take advantage from CI/CD.

I have a strong background in server-side technologies such as Java, Ruby or Rails, NodeJs (Javascript), Docker, Kubernetes, MongoDB, Kafka, also I have been working developing microservices and REST APIs using mostly Spring Framework and SpringBoot and deploying them on cloud providers. I spend at least one hour per day to increase my craftsmanship.

When I am not working hard or spending time in my craftsmanship, I enjoy taking new adventures with my wife and my little daughter or watching and/or playing sports games such as soccer, football, tennis, basketball.